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Sega CD 32X Champion Collection

Atari 2600

Titles in this collection: 615

Tested with Stella
File count (uncompressed): 615
File size (uncompressed): 3.8 MB
Format: .a26 and .bin

The Atari 2600 was the first videogame console I grew up with, and I spent hours playing Combat, Pitfall, Pong, and more.

You never forget your first.

The 2600 revolutionized the industry and Atari become the trusted household name for gaming in the late '70s and early '80s.

This era marks the birth of many game companies that still exist today, and a lot of legal precedents regarding hardware, software, advertising, and creative ownership rights.

Unreleased prototypes, games not in English (but only if they were easy enough to play without being fluent in another language), English-patched translations, plus these extras:

"BASIC Programming," "Colors," "Diagnostic Cartridge," "FM Sound Tool," "Grover's Music Maker," "Imagic Selector," "MagiCard," "Monkey Music," "Morse Code Tutor," "Test Pattern," "Venetian Blinds," and "Zoo Keeper Sounds."

Items removed:
Non-working dumps, absolute duplicates (see below), prototypes of games that eventually saw a release, European versions of titles when a North American version was available, hacks, and modern homebrew games.

Release notes:
This is a complete re-work of my previous Atari 2600 set, which I did a couple years back. It was super messy and quite a few new dumps have been completed since then. I've hand-tested these new additions, added 57 more titles overall, upgraded a few to newer revisions, and organized the files much, much cleaner than last time.

It was a common practice for companies to "clone" games and basically duplicate them during this period, changing only a few graphics or colors and then releasing their own version. However, depending on what region or market you lived in, you may remember one game, but never heard of its clones. Cloned games, regardless of their overall changes, are included because of this. That mixed with extremely similar bits of data within titles for the 2600 may trick your emulator into thinking you have multiple copies of the same game. However, I have removed as many games as possible that were complete duplicates of each other, regardless of their names, and only one title will match one given game. If you find duplicates in the names or artwork when loading your game list, right click on each to find out what name / game ID each should really reflect.

The folders in this collection organize the games alphabetically.

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