Atari 5200
English-friendly titles in this collection: 96
Tested with Atari800 (3.1.1)
File size (uncompressed): 1.7 MB
Format: .a52
The Atari 5200 was basically an Atari 400 home computer made into a gaming console to compete with the Intellivision and ColecoVision.
It was meant as an upgrade to the incredibly popular Atari 2600, but it was not backwards compatible with the huge library of 2600 games until a little over a year after release (and only with a piece of add-on hardware).
Not even a year after that, Atari was already advertising the Atari 7800... So, basically, Atari was also very much competing against itself, discarding the 5200 as a bit of a failure. This system was doomed from the start because of these facts, but it still sported some really cool games.
Special items included: Unreleased titles and prototypes.
Items removed: Non-working dumps, duplicates, prototypes or demos of games that eventually saw a full release, and homebrew titles.