Fairchild Channel F
English-friendly titles in this collection: 28
Tested with the FreeChaf (1.0 cdb8ad6) core in RetroArch
File size (uncompressed): 75 KB
Format: .bin
The "F" in Channel F stands for "Fun!"
This console was originally a proof-of-concept prototype designed by Wallace Kirschner and Lawrence Haskel that was fully developed by the incredible Jerry Lawson, one of the first black professional computer engineers.
We owe three of gaming's physical building blocks to them - All industry-first features just from this console alone: A videogame system built on a microprocessor, titles on individual carts rather than being built-in, and the pause button.
Special items included: None.
Items removed: Non-working dumps, duplicates, and prototypes or demos of games that eventually saw a full release.