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Sega CD 32X Champion Collection

Super Nintendo Entertainment System

English-friendly titles in this collection: 1,386

Tested with Snes9x (1.62.3)

File size (uncompressed): 2.26 GB

Format: .sfc

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System was one of the most advanced, versatile, supported, and exciting videogame consoles of the first five generations. It remains a top favorite to gamers of all ages, including me!

Alongside it's countless, impressive exclusive titles, it boasted many arcade ports and was always able to deliver them with the best speed, graphics, and sound of any competitor at the time. By far.

Over the years, improvements and chips were added to the game carts themselves to propel the system's already powerful hardware beyond what we thought was possible in an affordable home system, and that was only one edge that kept the lifespan of this machine wonderfully long.

Mine didn't last that long, though. I was playing EarthBound when my SNES randomly caught on fire. My mom yanked it out of the TV and yeeted it into a nearby sink full of water to put it out and we returned the cartridge to the rental store without saying a word. To this day, I've never beaten EarthBound...

Special items included: Unreleased titles, prototypes, English-patched translations, independent releases made within the console's lifespan, and titles not in English that are easy enough to play without being fluent in another language.

Items removed: Non-working dumps, duplicates, prototypes or demos of games that eventually saw a full release, homebrew titles made outside of the console's lifespan, titles that require proficiency in another language to play, hacks, and Sputnik titles (those can be found here).

Release notes - Special Inclusions: "Ranma 1\2: Chounai Gekitou Hen" and "Street Combat" are both included, even though they're technically the same game, due to art and other content being massively changed during localization.

"Parodius Da!: Shinwa kara Owarai e" is included rather than the EU version of "Parodious" since it is already in English and runs at 60hz.

"Might and Magic: Book II" and the NTSC conversion of "Might and Magic II" are both included because they are actually two completely different ports!

If you want to play "Wizardry I-II-III: Story of Llylgamyn" in English, make sure to select "English" in the menu options right before playing! It defaults as Japanese.

To play the three volumes of the "Emit" series in English, it's a bit tricky - Load the game and you will see a green grid screen with two options. Press down to get to the second option and then select it with the A button. Continue pressing A until you see the intro. Once in the main menu, press up to get to the crosshair-looking symbol and press A. Press A again on the first option, which looks like a cube being put into a filing cabinet. Press down and then A to select the book icon with a capital letter "A" on it. Everything will now be in English!

Release notes - Recommended Patches: There are simply too many to mention here individually, but the majority of them are FastROM hacks or SA-1 patches that eliminate slowdown moments in those titles.

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